Enter a Pair

Did you sell a pair of Transitions® lenses? Get credit by entering the Certificate of Authenticity or scan and upload your lab ticket for a Qualifying Job. Don't forget to redact any patient identifying information on the lab ticket.

Entry Form:

Please enter zip code to search for TOI ID

Please redact patient identifying information including patient name, and any contact information*
By clicking this button, you confirm the accuracy of all information provided above and agree to provide valid documentation upon request.

By submitting this Lab Ticket and/or Certificate of Authenticity("COA") code, you represent and warrant that the Transitions lenses identified by this Lab Ticket and/or COA code are not an FHCP Purchase, as defined in the Promotion Terms & Conditions. Sponsor is relying on the truth and accuracy of this representation.

* We reserve the right to reject any Lab Ticket or COA that does not comply with the Promotion requirements.